Trusted Commercial Voice Overs Attract Consumers
The Magic of Voice Over Professional Shane Morris
The function of any commercial is to attract consumers and turn them into buyers. One of the best ways to do this is to have a voice over talent that sounds like no one else. Corporations worldwide find that voice belongs to Shane Morris, a trusted commercial voice over professional with a proven track record of success.
In Shane’s fifteen years of commercial voice over, he has worked with countless industries ranging from automotive to aviation. The authoritative and authentic sound of his voice keeps your consumers interested and engaged.
Sometimes calming, other times dramatic, Shane has the vocal chops to stand out in the corporate world and get your message across. His repeat performances for a number of Fortune 500 companies are a testament to his work.
Commercial Videos
A Voice Your Audience Can Trust
Gaining a consumer’s trust is vital to selling a product and building a brand. Shane’s voice over for commercials provides a tone that exudes confidence and is trusted by dozens of major brands such as BMW and Lockheed Martin.
Shane relates to people with insightful and effective messaging. Hiring voice over talent is not as easy as finding someone to read scripts. It’s about finding a voice that consumers believe in. It’s about appealing to that customer in a way that demonstrates truthfulness.
Attention to Detail & Building Connections
No matter what is being advertised, Shane’s attention to detail generates respect and relevancy. His successes are due to the time and energy he spends to create a moment in time to engage the audience. He creates a sensory image, like the kind you get when reading a book. The aroma of pasta and meatballs doused with sauce comes alive when he charismatically describes the cuisine of Celentano by Rosina. Now, that’s attention to detail.
Voice Over Talent for Commercials Heard Around the World
Need to sell paper towels on another continent? Australia’s Maxim did. What about a gentle, calming voice to bring poetry to life in the far reaches of the world? Mongolians love him. Shane is a master at making words come alive wherever in the world your listeners may be.
Known as the “voice heard around the world,” Shane’s work can also be heard in Dubai, Bejing, Berlin and Argentina, as well as a host of other countries. If you’re looking for a confident, engaging American voice, you can count on Shane for his trusting, clear delivery.
Appealing to all Consumers
Because social media is so prevalent in today’s world of sales and marketing, Shane’s work online as a voice over professional appeals to as many consumers as his radio and TV ads. Shane had block buster success with Red Bull exceeding an astounding 16,500,000 views. In the battle to engage, Toyota, Ohio-born Rogue and the Olympics have counted on Shane’s reassuring tone.
Dependable and Professional Commercial Voice Over Actor
Shane’s reputation as a dependable and professional commercial voice over actor, coupled with his unique expression is why he is the voice everyone is looking for to build a successful campaign.